Join with your company!
Becoming a sponsor for Pour une Planète Sans Frontières is committing your company and employees to civique solidarity and responsibility.
This means acting for the right to understand and to be understood.
Our sponsorship policy aims not only to finance our projects but also to strengthen our teams of volunteers, through the sponsorship of skills.
PUPSF is...
...a richness of
expertise !
With 10 years of experience,
over 100 volunteers and over
50 languages spoken, PUPSF
will know how to accompany
your business and collaborators
in this step towards
civique engagement.
...branches in many
regions of France!
Present throughout France, PUPSF will know how to
accompany your local or regional company,
as well as build with you your
your sponsorship project.
...missions with a
strong social impact!
- Research on the geopolitical
context of the country of
origin of asylum seekers
- Legal help sheets translated into
different languages to faciliate
the integration of
And many other
Numerous forms of support exist:
financing, volunteering...
Donation of books
Lending premises
Donation of technological