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Join through your business!

Becoming a sponsor of

Pour Une Planète Sans Frontières means engaging 

your company and its employees in a

solidarity approach.

It is acting for the right to understand and to be understood.

Our sponsorship policy aims not only to  finance our projects  but also to strengthen  our teams of volunteers, through the  skills sponsorship ,  on the projects

Geopolitics  and a  Lawyer linguist for all

to provide quality assistance to

asylum seekers and new arrivals.


...has branches in

many regions !

Present everywhere in

France, PUPSF will know

accompany your

company, local or regional,

and build with you your

sponsorship project.


strong missions with

social impact!

- Notes on the context

geopolitics of the country of origin

of an asylum seeker

- Translated legal aid sheets

in  different languages for

the toolbox

to facilitate the insertion

firsts  arrivals



10 years old

of experience, a hundred

of volunteers and 50 languages

spoken, PUPSF will know

support your business

and your collaborators in

their united approach.

Juriste bénévole

And many other


Several  forms of sponsorship exist:

financial, volunteering, ..

Book donations

Lending of premises

Donations of computer equipment

Let's build together

your sponsorship project!

Join us!


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